Be the change you want to see in the world
— Mahatma Gandhi


Architects, Urban Designers, Engineers, Planners and other professionals within the construction and design industries have the unique skill-set and expansive imaginations necessary to invoke positive change in the world.   

LiTTLE ARCHITECT is an ambitious programme of workshops designed to introduce children to the principles of Architecture, sustainability and global cultural awareness through cross-curricular activities; inspiring them to BE the change WE NEED to see in the world.


To influence the creative side of the National Curriculum, encouraging educational decision-makers to incorporate hands-on, real-life projects to every Child’s educational journey.

To make ‘cultural awareness’, ‘creative learning’ and ‘sustainability’ priority topics across schools and to engage with children who are not typically ‘academic’ – who may have behavioural problems or who don’t respond well to traditional teaching methods.  



What parents think…

“My children came away from this playful workshop feeling really inspired. The materials, resources and meeting a ‘real Architect’ (a job they didn't know about), formed a great starting point for them to think about what their dream home might be like. My son said: "I loved the building - building stuff with materials, I'd like to explore another way to attach my ladder and slide to the house" - he is definitely keen to grow his skills and said he wants to come back and build a real house now! It was fantastic”.