How can we work with schools?

There are several ways in which we can work together with schools to deliver the LiTTLE ARCHITECT programme.



From designing a bug sky-scraper in the jungle and exploring historical vs. contemporary buildings, to re-designing the wonders of the world or exploring the local community via way-finding activities… We can work with teachers to design a bespoke day (or half-day) of activities for one or more year groups to totally immerse the children in a creative project.

Contact us for more ideas!

SERIES OF after-school workshopS

We can provide after-school workshops for any age group across a term (depending on your requirements). Children are taken through an architectural project, focusing on a different element each week where they will have chance to learn a new skill and get stuck into the process of a real-life project!

Contact us for more information


Curriculum links

Architecture has so many opportunities for encompassing a wide range of subject areas. LiTTLE ARCHITECT workshops and projects can be designed to incorporate the following themes:

  • Communication (English) of the design brief. Interpretation/extraction of the key points and identifying a process for the task ahead

  • Research (English, ICT, History) - exploring historic and contemporary precedent through books, periodicals and internet search and by site visits/city walks. Documenting the research in order to tell the story

  • Building Design (Art, Maths, Geometry, Textiles, Design Technology + Emotional Intelligence) learning to appreciate aesthetics through appraisal/critique of shape, colour, materials, structure, texture, light/dark areas, ceiling heights etc. how some buildings invoke certain feelings – ie. Low ceilings vs high ceilings, churches vs. garden sheds, happy buildings/sad buildings – exploring principles of symmetry etc.

  • Urban Design (Geography, Sociology, Citizenship) - looking at the formation of communities, towns and cities over time to explore urban design principles and think about how communities can be designed to create safe, happy and healthy places for people to live

  • Drawing Skills + Understanding Scale (Art, Graphic Design, ICT) - introduction to scale drawing in 2D and 3D to understand how we accurately convey proposals with hand drawings and on the computer

  • Construction (Science, Maths, Engineering, Communication, Organisation, Planning) - planning how a building will fit together by looking at example projects, visits to building sites, exploring with craft materials and Lego – making scale models and watching videos etc.

  • Presentation/Team work - group working throughout, learning to appreciate the work of others and to share success as well as giving praise to others